January 19 – 25
“The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.” Romans 8:16
Sunday, 19th: Letter dated 1/7/25: “My name is Phyllis P… I am writing to see if I can get your Bible lessons to do again. I am 65, and I do speech in my church. I would like to study your Bible lessons again and use them. I would like to know if you send people Holy oil, and if you do, can you send me some? Someone sent me some, but I don’t remember who it was.” (Since 2012, she has completed just 6 lessons. Restarted on 01/13/2025.) Praise God – “When the Advocate comes, whom I will send to you from the Father—the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father—He will testify about Me.” (John 15:26)! Pray Phyllis surrenders ALL to God.
Monday, 20th: WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO LEARN FROM GOD THROUGH THE STUDY OF HIS WORD? On January 3 at 12:19 AM, new student hopeful Lokelani E… emailed: “I hope to learn all about Jesus, His life on earth, His teachings and how to apply it all to our lives and be more knowledgeable to help family and maybe others too, so they learn more about Him and know all that is required to get to heaven.” (First studies mailed to her and her four grandchildren on 1/15/25.) Praise God – “Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; parents are the pride of their children.” (Proverbs 17:6)! Pray Lokelani studies her lessons, and helps her grandchildren and children do so too.
Tuesday, 21st: Letter dated 1-2-2025 from Spanish speaking student Ricardo B…: “[Favor dejarme saber] Please let me know why you are no longer sending me Bible courses. I sent you my test pages in November. I want to know what mistake I made. I bother you because I am hungry to learn more.” (B.S.B.M. was moving office, when his test pages arrived, so that was why he waited longer than usual for his next studies. He is 84.) Praise God – “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,” (1 Peter 2:2)! Pray Ricardo memorizes verses, shares them with cellmates and shares his testimony too.
Wednesday, 22nd: WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO LEARN FROM GOD THROUGH THE STUDY OF HIS WORD? On January 3 at 1:37 PM, new student hopeful Danielle M… emailed: “As a beginner, I hope to learn his ways, walk in his light and path, and find the truth.” (First studies mailed to her on 1/15/25.) Praise God – “For You, O LORD, are my lamp; the LORD lights up my darkness.” (2 Samuel 22:29)! Pray Danielle does her first study, believes in Jesus, repents of her sin and acknowledges Christ as her Savior.
Thursday, 23rd: Lisa C… requested Bible studies for inmate Ray C…, on December 15, 2015. His first study was mailed then. Again, on January 6, 2025, Lisa emailed and asked that studies be sent to Ray. BSBM emailed Lisa: “We mailed studies to Ray on December 15, 2015, but we never heard back from him. Lisa, are you sure he wants to study now?” Lisa replied: “I am sorry he didn’t get back to you. I just talked with Ray and he said he never received the study, and would really like to do them. I know his prison is notorious for losing mail. I’m assuming that is likely what happened in this case.” (Ray’s first study booklet was mailed again on 1/16/25.) Praise God – “Abundant peace belongs to those who love Your law; nothing can make them stumble.” (Psalm 119:165)! Pray Ray gets his study this time; pray the warden sees how Bible studies can benefit his prison.
Friday, 24th: WHAT DO YOU HOPE TO LEARN FROM GOD THROUGH THE STUDY OF HIS WORD? On January 5 at 11:13 AM, new student hopeful Colt C… emailed: “I hope to learn as much as I can about the Bible, Jesus and life so that I can spread the Gospel.” (First studies mailed to him on 1/16/25.) Praise God – “Whoever heeds instruction will find success, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD.” (Proverbs 16:20)! Pray Colt studies his lessons and Bible, obeys the Spirit’s nudging and shares the word boldly.
Saturday, 25th: PRAYER REQUEST from Bible Studies by Mail, Inc.: B.S.B.M.’s Advisory Board is asking the LORD to provide new leaders who are a bilingual couple with ministry experience and their own financial support base. They would work with current leaders, Darryl and Joan Evans, and then eventually become missionaries with or seconded to Source of Light Ministries International. Praise God – “Now faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the certainty of what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)! Pray B.S.B.M. hears of or from a missionary couple seeking mission work in North America.